Member Self-Service Portal | Public School Employees' Retirement System (2024)


MSS has been optimized to work on Windows-based platforms with a Chrome browser. Other platforms and devices (for example iPads) may not provide the user with the same quality experience. PSERS is working to make the user experience equally friendly across all platforms and devices. Until that work is complete, you may find that using a Windows-based device and the Chrome browser provides you with the best MSS experience.

You may have to disable the pop-up blocker on your browser. Instructions for Chrome, Edge, Safari.

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Use the Troubleshooting link below for help on finding your PSERS ID, Receieving PSERS emails, printing Form 1099-Rs, and more.


Quick Start Guide

Common Questions

When you register for MSS, you select how you would like to receive documents from PSERS -- through Paperless Delivery or by mail. You may change your paperless delivery status at any time in your MSS account.

Going paperless gives you immediate access to your PSERS account and eliminates the risk of losing or delaying receipt of important documents in the mail.

Ensure you receive important updates from PSERS by

  1. Checking your Spam folder.

  2. Adding the following email addresses to your email contacts:


Need help? Click on the links next to your email provider for instructions specific to your email provider:

  • Manage/update your personal information—phone numbers, email address and mailing address, including the ability to have your address change automatically at a future date (e.g., if you will be moving or will be living elsewhere for an extended period of time)
  • Change your password and username
  • Nominate beneficiary(ies), if eligible
  • Class Electionmembership (if eligible) and receive immediate confirmation of your election
  • Elect multiple service membership (if eligible)
  • Receive email notification when your documents are available (e.g., Statement of Account, newsletters, purchase of service statements of amount due and other PSERS-specific correspondence)
  • Receive personalized alerts about your account, including an alert when you have changed your address, elected multiple service, and more
  • View a summary of your account
  • Print important documents (e.g., Statement of Account, staff-prepared estimates, and more)
  • Create retirement estimates (IMPORTANT: If you are a Class T-E or Class T-F member who has not reached vested or a Class T-G or Class T-H, you may not use the MSS retirement estimate calculator at this time. Please use the retirement estimate calculator available on the PSERS website)
  • View account login history
  • Stay current with PSERS-related news​

  • Manage/update personal information—phone numbers, email address and mailing address, including the ability to have your address change automatically at a future date (e.g., if you will be moving or will be living elsewhere for an extended period of time)Change your password and username
  • Nominate beneficiary(ies), if eligible
  • Change the direct deposit information for your monthly pension benefits
  • Change the amount of tax withholding on your monthly pension benefit
  • Receive email notification when your documents are available (e.g., Statement of Account, newsletters, purchase of service statements of amount due and other PSERS-specific correspondence)
  • Receive personalized alerts about your account, including an alert when you have changed your address, elected multiple service, and more
  • View a summary of your account
  • Print important documents (e.g., 1099-R, income verification, and more)
  • View account login history
  • Stay current with PSERS-related news

​You will need your PSERS ID, social security number, date of birth, and a valid email address.

​If you are new to PSERS, your PSERS ID is printed on the materials in your Welcome Packet. Otherwise, look for your PSERS ID in the top corner of any recent PSERS correspondence mailed to your home. You can also connect with PSERS at or 1.888.773.7748 to have your ID mailed to you.

You may receive your Form 1099-Rthrough paperless delivery because you have registered for an account through the PSERS Member Self-Service (MSS) Portal and have not opted out of the paperless delivery. PSERS will notify you when your form is available.

Trouble accessing or printing your Form 1099-R? Click hereto Troubleshoot: Accessing Your Form 1099-R on Your MSS Account

Member Self-Service Portal | Public School Employees' Retirement System (1)

  • Address 5 North 5th StreetHarrisburg, PA 17101

  • Visit a Regional Office
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  • Disclaimer
Member Self-Service Portal | Public School Employees' Retirement System (2024)


What is the credit rating for PA public school employees retirement system? ›

The rating for the internally-managed PSERS Short-Term Investment Pool is considered Aaa/AAA for credit rating purposes.

How many years do you have to work to be vested in Opers? ›

You can retire and get your FULL benefit at age 55 with 32 years of service or age 67 with five years of service. You can retire with a smaller, REDUCED benefit at age 57 with 25 years of service or age 62 with five years of service.

How is the Ohio SERS pension calculated? ›


Your pension is based on age, service credit, and salary. The age used in a pension calculation is your actual age at the time you retire.

How long do you have to work for the state of Arkansas to get retirement? ›

If you are vested for an APERS benefit (you have five years of actual service), you are entitled to a retirement annuity upon meeting eligibility criteria. For most individuals, applying for normal retirement without any reduction for age or service is possible at age 65 or at any age with 28 years of actual service.

Is PSERS a good retirement plan? ›

In most cases, yes. The PSERS pension monthly income provides you with consistent lifetime income. This is a great benefit, but it will lose value over time due to inflation.

How many years to be vested in Pennsylvania Teachers pension? ›

If you have at least 10 years of creditable service, then you are vested in PSERS. You will eligible to receive a retirement benefit from PSERS the first of the month following your 60th birthday (at a reduced benefit) or the month following your 65th birthday for full benefits.

What happens to my fully vested pension if I quit? ›

Vested benefits refer to the portion of a pension plan that an employee is entitled to receive even if they leave their job before retirement age. In essence, it's the money an employee has earned that is theirs to keep, regardless of their employment status.

Can you collect both OPERS and Social Security? ›

Keep in mind, your OPERS benefit will not be reduced by any Social Security benefit you may receive. The GPO may also affect you if you are eligible for Social Security benefits through your spouse. The GPO is a reduction of Social Security benefits by two-thirds of your OPERS benefit.

Can you lose your vested pension if fired? ›

Once a pension has vested, you should be entitled to keep those funds, even if you're fired. However, you aren't always entitled to all the money in your pension fund. In some cases, you might lose some, or even all, of your pension.

What is the average payout for Ipers? ›

The average school employee benefit is $21,588 per year, or $1,799 per month. IPERS covers 80,743 active school employees and 51,884 retired school employees and beneficiaries.

How do I figure out my pension amount? ›

Multipliers are sometimes known by other terms, such as “accrual rate” or “crediting rate” but they mean the same thing. A typical multiplier is 2%. So, if you work 30 years, and your final average salary is $75,000, then your pension would be 30 x 2% x $75,000 = $45,000 a year.

How many years do you have to serve to get full retirement? ›

The minimum retirement age for service retirement for most members is 50 years with five years of service credit. The more service credit you have, the higher your retirement benefits will be. There are three basic types of retirement: service, disability, and industrial disability.

What happens to my Arkansas teacher retirement if I quit? ›

If you are no longer employed in a position covered by this system, you are eligible for a lump sum refund of your member contributions plus interest. service (both contributory and noncontributory) and forfeit your rights to all retirement benefits.

At what age do most teachers retire? ›

Using 30 to 35 years of service is a good rule of thumb for comparing pensions from various states. This means that someone who enters teaching before age 25 with a bachelor's and accumulates 30 or more years of service can usually retire sometime between age 55 and 60.

What is Pennsylvania's credit rating? ›

In September, the Governor announced(opens in a new tab) that Moody's reaffirmed(opens in a new tab) Pennsylvania's Aa3 issuer credit rating and upgraded the Commonwealth's rating outlook to positive from stable.

What is the S&P rating for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania? ›

HARTFORD (S&P Global Ratings) Aug. 22, 2022--S&P Global Ratings assigned its 'A+' long-term rating to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's $1 billion first series of 2022 general obligation (GO) bonds. At the same time, we affirmed our 'A+' rating on t...

What is the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Moody's rating? ›

Harrisburg, PA – Today, Moody's reaffirmed Pennsylvania's Aa3 issuer credit rating and has upgraded the Commonwealth's rating outlook to positive from stable, affirming that Pennsylvania's economy and budgeting practices are strong and setting the Commonwealth up for long-term success.

What is the credit rating of PSP Capital? ›

January 15, 2024 – PSP Capital has launched a new A$ Kangaroo Program December 20, 2023 – Moody's affirms PSPIB's credit rating at 'Aaa'/'P-1'; Outlook Stable.

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Author: Delena Feil

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.